How To Apply For A Marriage Certificate In Rajasthan Online

How to apply for a Rajasthan marriage certificate? What is the fee for getting a marriage certificate in Rajasthan? Can you get marriage certificate Rajasthan online? What is the validity of the certificate and how long will take for the certificate to be issued?

Read on. In this post, we’ll go over the steps for registering a Rajasthan marriage and acquiring a Rajasthan marriage certificate in detail.

Rajasthan Marriage Certificate – An Overview

Your Rajasthan marriage certificate a legal document, officiating the relationship between a bride and the groom
The marriage certificate is also required for claiming bank deposits or insurance benefits for a spouse following the insurer’s death without a nominee. The certificate is required when applying for a Tatkal passport or changing your spouse’s name on your passport.
The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, also known as the Special Marriage Act of 1954, governs marriages in Rajasthan. Marriages in Rajasthan can be registered either online or at the Registrar’s office. When a marriage is registered, the certificate is issued.

Rajasthan Marriage Certificate – Top FAQs

What is the eligibility criteria to apply for getting your marriage certificate in Rajasthan?

The eligibility criteria to apply for a marriage certificate in Rajasthan is
● The bride must be 18 years of age or over
● The groom must be 21 years of age or over
● Either the residence of the bride, the groom, or the place of solemnization
should fall within the jurisdiction of the Registering Officer in Rajasthan

What are the documents required to apply for a marriage certificate in Rajasthan?

Documents required for obtaining Rajasthan marriage certificate online and offline are the following:
● Application form
● Proof of age
● Proof of address
● Proof of Identity
● Wedding invitation card
● Passport sized photos of the bride and groom
● Three marriage photographs of the bride and groom together
● ID proof of any one of the parents of the bride and the groom
● In case it has been over twenty days since the registration of marriage
● In case the wedding ceremony has taken place in a temple, a certificate from
the priest/temple
● Receipt from the marriage hall

How can I apply for a marriage certificate in Rajasthan?

To apply for a marriage certificate in Rajasthan through offline, you will first have to locate your nearest eMitra center. For the rest of the process, refer to the steps given below:
Step 1: Visit the eMitra center and obtain the application form from the kiosk. You can download the application online.
Step 2: Fill the Rajasthan marriage certificate form correctly. Attach the necessary documents along with a detailed, attested affidavit.
Step 3: Submit the documents along with form at the eMitra center and make the necessary payment. You will be given a receipt in return that  you can use for future reference.
Step 4: Once your documents are verified and approved by the Registrar’s office, you can collect the marriage certificate.

Can I apply for a marriage certificate Rajasthan online?

Yes, you can apply for a marriage certificate Rajasthan online through the Pehchan Raj website. Check the next question to know how.

How can I apply for my marriage certificate Rajasthan online?

To know how to apply for a marriage certificate in Rajasthan online, all you need to do is refer to these simple steps given here:
Step 1: Go to the Rajasthan Civil Registration System website called ‘Pehchan’.
Step 2: Scroll down and click on “Citizen Online Application”.
marriage certificate in Rajasthan
Step 3: Read through the instructions provided on the page and then select “विवाह प्रपत्र के लिए” or “For Marriage Certificate”.
marriage certificate in Rajasthan
Step 4: You will be provided with four options, नए आवेदन हेतु (For New Application), पुराने आवेदन में संशोधन हेतु (For Correction in Old Application), आवेदन स्थिति एवं सर्टिफिकेट प्रिंट (Application Status and Print Certificate), आवेदन प्रपत्र प्रिंट करे (For Printing Certificate). Select नए आवेदन हेतु (For New Application), type in the security code, and click on प्रवेश करे (Proceed).
marriage certificate in Rajasthan
Step 5: Fill in the application form with the personal details of the bride, the groom, and the witnesses for both the parties. The phone numbers that you provide will need to be verified through an OTP.
marriage certificate in Rajasthan
Step 6: Upload the supporting documents. Once you have filled in the form correctly and submitted the required documents, click on इंद्राज करे (Submit).
Step 7: A message stating that the application number of your marriage certificate and the related details have been sent to your registered email address and mobile number. Save this application number for future reference.

Once all your documents have been verified by the department, you will receive your marriage certificate.

How can I check the status of my marriage certificate in Rajasthan?

It is very simple to check the status of your marriage certificate in Rajasthan. You can do this through the same Rajasthan Civil Registration System website.
Step 1: On the Pehchan website, scroll down and click on “Citizen Online Application”.
Step 2: Select “विवाह प्रपत्र के लिए” or “For Marriage Certificate” at the bottom of the page.
Step 3: Click on “आवेदन स्थिति एवं सर्टिफिकेट प्रिंट” (Application Status and Print Certificate)
Step 4: Type in your Reference number and your password. Verify the CAPTCHA and then click on प्रवेश करे (Proceed).
marriage certificate in Rajasthan
Step 5: The status of your certificate will be provided to you on the screen. You may even take a printout of the Rajasthan marriage certificate from here.

How can I download my marriage certificate in Rajasthan using the Rajasthan Civil Registration System website?

To download your marriage certificate in Rajasthan using the Rajasthan Civil Registration System website, Pehchan, click on “Citizen Online Application”, then “विवाह प्रपत्र के लिए” (For Marriage Certificate), and then select आवेदन प्रपत्र प्रिंट करे (For Printing Certificate).

Fill in your reference number and your password in the space provided and validate the CAPTCHA. Once you click on प्रवेश करे (Proceed), your marriage certificate will be displayed below. You can download and print it from here.
Alternatively, you can follow these simple steps as well.
Step 1: On the home page of the Pehchan website, scroll down and click on “Download Certificate”.
Step 2: Select the विवाह (Marriage) as your certificate type.
download my marriage certificate in Rajasthan
Step 3: You can type in either your Application Number or your registered mobile number in the space provided to search and download the certificate. Once you’ve typed in the required, validate the CAPTCHA code and click on खोजो (Search)
Step 4: Your certificate will be available for download

What is the fee for applying for a marriage certificate in Rajasthan?

The fee for applying for a marriage certificate in Rajasthan is ₹10.

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Shruti is a regular contributor to The Current India. Along with writing she enjoys traveling and discovering India's hidden cultural treasures.

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